Friday, June 23, 2017

Puzzles, Poop and Plugs!

I love puzzles! I always have. But they have come to mean even more to me the past 5 years as I have been retired (reluctantly) and have so much more time on my hands. Working on a puzzle has become a quiet time when I am taught by the spirit as I ponder things I have studied and talk to my Heavenly Father about everything in my heart. As I was meticulously preparing my 1000 piece puzzle this morning, separating the straight edges and turning over the others, (because doing a puzzle without painstakingly preparing first is an exercise in chaos and confusion...anyone that has worked on a puzzle with me knows I am pretty strict about this step) my mind was flooded with the following thoughts: Do I take just as much time meticulously preparing myself spiritually to face each day? Am I just as obsessed (OCD #210) about everything being in perfect order in my spiritual life as I am about my puzzles? Am I doing the prep work of reading my scriptures and praying so the Lord can be a part of my day? Am I reading from uplifting books so the spirit has something to instruct and teach me with? Am I properly prioritizing my day? Where do I place my importance?

Where does the poop come in? (aren't you glad I didn't include a picture of that) .. when you have 2 dogs it is impossible to enjoy your yard if you haven’t committed to scooping the poop every morning. Is it a fun job – NOPE. However, if I didn’t take the time to do it – my yard would be so unpleasant that I would never spend time out there. (not to mention my neighbors wouldn’t like me very much due to the horrendous odor permeating from my yard). Therefore, I don’t have a problem with that daily task. Just like my daily scooping makes my yard a delightful place to be – my daily routine of communing with my Father in Heaven and personal study insures my days are more enjoyable and full of peace. And when things don't go as expected (as is often the case) I am more spiritually prepared to handle what life throws at me!

Now for the plug – as I sat down to type my thoughts on my laptop I noticed that the battery power showed almost dead. That was strange as I had just taken it off the charger! Much to my surprise I found that the power cord was NOT plugged into the wall. A lot of good it did my battery to be plugged in all night to a power cord not drawing any power. Another thought came to mind: How can I expect to draw power from my Father in Heaven if I am not “plugged” in? My daily devotion to my Father in Heaven through prayer and scripture study, through service and good works is part of my divine connection - it is what charges me and prepares me to face each day. This is a crazy and wicked world in which we live. If I hope to be resistant against the evil workings of the adversary then I must be willing to surrender my will to my Father in Heaven. I must be willing to do all that is required to have his spirit with me. Thank heavens that every day is a new day for me to learn to meticulously organize and prepare myself to face the day. Thank heavens the Lord is patient and continues to extend his arm towards me in patience and love. Thank heavens the spirit is willing and able to teach me through the small and simple things that I can understand like puzzles, poop and plugs!

John 8:29 And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.

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